Gallery : Hide Photos & Videos

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Kategorizacija sadržaja
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana

O aplikaciji

A simple, fast and light Brand new AIGallery, faster and lighter.

Gallery supports viewing files in all formats, JPEG, GIF, PNG, SVG, Panoramic, MP4, MKV, RAW, etc. Free download Gallery and let us help you keep everything organized!

Share unlimited photos from the gallery on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Messenger, Discord, Telegram, Twitter and other social media platforms. Using the Gallery app, you can save storage space by removing duplicate images from your phone gallery lock and SD card.

Gallery is a great picture gallery app that includes all:
* A lightweight alternative Android gallery app
* Simple Gallery : A great alternative Android gallery
* Manage your photos with Picture Gallery
* The official photo app Gallery
* Free and intuitive image browser and editor
* Smart Gallery Manage your photo albums
* Gallery New with simple light-weight design
* Beautiful simple and fast photo gallery

Smart Gallery
- Crop pictures, apply filters and blur
- Resize, rotate and zoom HD photo
- Crop and compress video
- Sort by name, date, size, etc
- Support for use on pad
- Recover deleted photos and videos
- Quickly search photos, pictures and videos
- Create a password-protected folder to protect and hide photos, videos, GIFs
- Photo slide show and customize the interval time
- No internet access is needed. 100% private

Photo Gallery Vault
- Hide photos & videos into the Gallery photo vault. Keep your videos safe in the photo gallery lock. Set a password, pattern, or PIN to encrypt them in the gallery photo vault app.
- In the gallery photo vault app, you can also set a password to protect your entire photo gallery lock and prevent anyone from deleting or moving files.

Gallery Slideshow
- In the photo gallery app, you can view photos, videos, and GIFs in the slideshow. Use slideshow filters such as changing slide intervals, viewing backwards, including videos & GIFs, and much more.

Key Features:
- Create a photo album in Gallery Pro.
- Create Albums and choose the photos of yours in a secret folder.
- Crop photo view.
- Gallery your video and pics
- Keep track of your daily photos with the after-call menu.

Permission use: – Permission android. permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is used to access photos and videos and arrange it properly for you.
Ažurirano dana
13. dec 2023.

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Podaci se ne dijele s trećim stranama
Saznajte više o načinu na koji programeri pružaju izjavu o dijeljenju
Ova aplikacija može prikupljati ove vrste podataka
Fotografije i videozapisi i ID-ovi uređaja ili drugi ID-ovi
Podaci nisu šifrirani
Podaci se ne mogu izbrisati