Blackboard Edutech

Sadržava oglase
50 hilj.+
Kategorizacija sadržaja
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Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana

O aplikaciji

Board platform help you to update with the latest news, entertainment, sports, Fashion and more with the specific Boarder (Uploader), You can also subscribe them and enjoy.

Why Board

The Board Completes the gap between the viewer and uploader by providing selected uploaders of specific field which not only let them enjoy but also with feature of specific questions and answers they can connect with you on a specific post which will help board members to get human generated answers.

Why to connect with BOARD?

The most interesting part here is that uploader is chosen by the board community. It is in’s initial stage so it gives you a great opportunity to express yourself freely.

How to Become a Boarder?

As we know that our community choose the designated Boarder but still it is easy you can mail us to connect with on , and can get opportunity to become a boarder.

How Boarder Works?

Boarder have the power to upload the multiple things but all these come under specific time sets.

Post: post can be upload by the Boarder with zero followers.

Poll / Quiz: In this the following Boarder have to achieve at least 50 followers, to start the service

How Boarder can Upload?

After receiving the power of uploading the Boarder can navigate to its own profile after clicking on that the boarder can click on the upload button which is in the center from there, they can get the power to upload the post.

What else With Board?

The most interesting part is yet to come when you can create and enjoy a lot so hold tight and enjoy the journey.

Your every post is very important because it can impact on the life of viewers.

Still Facing Problem: Please feel free to contact us on or
Blackboard is only available for users age 13 and over.
Ažurirano dana
5. nov 2024.

Sigurnost podataka

Sigurnost počinje razumijevanjem na koji način programeri prikupljaju i dijele vaše podatke. Privatnost podataka i sigurnosne prakse se mogu razlikovati ovisno o korištenju, regiji i dobi. Programer je naveo ove informacije i može ih s vremenom ažurirati.
Podaci se ne dijele s trećim stranama
Saznajte više o načinu na koji programeri pružaju izjavu o dijeljenju
Podaci se ne prikupljaju
Saznajte više o načinu na koji programeri pružaju izjavu o prikupljanju
Podaci se šifriraju tokom prenosa
Možete zatražiti da se podaci izbrišu

Podrška za aplikaciju

Informacije o programeru