efTeacher - Learn French

Kupovina unutar aplikacije
2,18 hilj. recenzije
100 hilj.+
Kategorizacija sadržaja
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana
Slika snimka ekrana

O aplikaciji

efTeacher is a collection of exercises and tests for learning and improving French language on different difficulty levels. You can learn new words, correct usage of words in various contexts, grammar and use of French in various situations.

It's best for kids learning French at school!

Each exercise can be launched in LEARN or TEST mode.
In LEARN mode, when you give a wrong answer, the question will be repeated later, and the exercise will end only when you finally give correct answers to all the questions.
In TEST mode, each question is asked only once, and you will get a mark in 1-6 scale at the end of the test based on the percentage of good answers.

Different difficulty levels are represented by the colour of icons:
Lower Intermediate
Upper Intermediate

Over 200 exercises (20 exercises are free, rest are paid).
Ažurirano dana
30. okt 2024.

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Ocjene i recenzije

1,95 hilj. recenzije