Signlingo:Learn Sign Languages

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Informace o aplikaci

Signlingo: Interactive Quiz App for Learning Sign Languages
Signlingo is an engaging and interactive quiz application designed to help users learn sign languages effectively. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your signing skills, Signlingo offers an immersive learning experience right at your fingertips.

With Signlingo, you can dive into a wide range of interactive quizzes that cover various aspects of sign languages. From basic vocabulary to advanced gestures, our app provides comprehensive lessons tailored to your learning pace and preferences.

Key Features:
- Interactive Quizzes: Put your sign language skills to the test with fun and engaging quizzes.
- Comprehensive Learning Material: Access a vast library of lessons covering basic to advanced sign language concepts.
- Personalized Learning: Customize your learning journey based on your proficiency level and learning goals.
- Visual Demonstrations: Learn through visual demonstrations of signs and gestures by experienced sign language instructors.
- Progress Tracking: Monitor your progress and track your improvement over time.
- AI implementation : using AI allows the app to correct and teach users appropriate signs.

Whether you're learning sign language for communication, education, or out of interest, Signlingo is your ultimate companion on your learning journey. Download Signlingo now and start mastering sign languages with ease!
Datum aktualizace
20. 10. 2024

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- Bug Fixes
- Premium Account Perks
- UI changes
- Added reminder notifications
- Added A.I support for lessons
- Introduced game points, coins, and streaks
- Tracking user’s learning progress

Podpora aplikace

O vývojáři
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