• Create the account by filling in the fields.
• Access the application with your user name and password.
• On the main screen click the "+" icon and enter your project data such as:
- Name of building, Number of floors, number of apartments per floor, height between floors, etc.
• Just click the "Generate" button and your project is implemented.
The "Summary" screen is displayed with your project data for validation. If you want to save it, just click "Accept"
• In the "Diagram" tab you can see the complete interconnection diagram of the components needed in your project and in the "Purchasing List" tab you can see all the items that will be used in the project as well as the quantities.
• You can also export your project and share it with other people by clicking on the "..." icon next to the unit conversion calculator in the upper right corner of the screen.
The Aquarium Project application was designed to help installers quickly and effectively scale collective antenna systems. The application enables the correct sizing of all elements involved in an installation such as: Correct attenuation of TAPs and signal splitters, gain of power amplifiers, line amplifiers and other components of the system. To do this simply enter some information such as the level of signal captured by the antenna, number of floors, pruned and apartments.
When completing your project data, the application will provide a list of components that will be used. In addition, conversion between signal level units such as dBm, dBmV and dBμV is possible.
The Aquarium Project provides a schematic overview of all the components that make up the interconnected system to facilitate understanding of the project.
You can also save your projects, edit, export in pdf, share with your friends.
The app is compatible for Android 4.4 and later devices.
The accuracy of the data depends on the correct / full implementation of the Android API 19+. Therefore, in some devices if API is not implemented some functions of the Remote Aquarium may have problems of operation.
Portuguese language.