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Check Fuel Prices anytime and anywhere, including during “pressure times”. With the Smesh app, you can check the prices charged at gas stations throughout Brazil and find the cheapest gas stations closest to you. Fuel prices are updated with information from users and the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP).
Download today and don't waste time.
Are you accessing it for the first time? Then follow our step by step:
1. Download the super app.
2. Go to "First Access" and enter your CPF, email and create a password.
3. Confirmed data, just enter and enjoy.
Note: The website does not maintain immediate synchronization with the gas stations, therefore, there may be differences between the price displayed on the website and the current price at the establishment. We advise the user to check the updated value at the gas station before making any decision or using the information for any other purposes. Therefore, the user is aware that the website should not be held responsible for any discrepancies in the prices of Gasoline, Alcohol or Diesel, as well as information or location of gas stations.
If you have any questions or suggestions, send us a message!
Website: http://precodoscombustíveis.com.br/
Email: contato@precodoscombustiveis.com.br
If you own a station and want to advertise your station and offer discounts in our community, send an email to contato@precodoscombustiveis.com.br