Thinking about getting a loan? Use this app to get an idea of how much you will need to pay off.
Calculate the monthly payment for your loan: input the loan amount, the interest rate, and the term, and the app will do the rest.
The lock feature- you can lock one of the 4 fields, which will be the one that is calculated. This means you can do reverse calculations. For example, if the monthly payment for your loan is $460, the term is 10 years, with an interest rate of 2%, the loan amount will be $50000.
The currency you use will be automatically determined via your current location.
The app will also give you an amortization schedule for your loan, which will show you how the loan will work out in the long term.
You have already taken a loan? You can set the beginning date on the amortization schedule to see how much balance you have left!