Security, comfort and communication.
enercity makes your life easier.
With the enercity SmartHome app, you can easily and conveniently control your home while you are out and about.
An example:
The app informs you that you forgot to close a window, but you are already on the plane on vacation.
No problem with the enercity SmartHome app and the intelligent door lock. Simply give a friend or neighbor temporary access to the apartment from a distance. The same works for craftsmen or cleaners. Never again will you have to give a key out of your hand.
The app also serves as a communication and information tool. You will now receive important information from your landlord, about maintenance work, malfunctions or events directly on your smartphone. Just in time.
We are continuously expanding the content so that you too can soon communicate any damage to your landlord.
The app also contains additional offers and benefits from enercity, your landlord or the region. That creates added value, saves time and money.
Requirements for using the enercity SmartHome app:
• You and your landlord conclude a corresponding contract with enercity
• You have an internet connection
• Any smart devices and the enercity central unit are installed in your apartment
• Your customer account has been activated