*** This app is available for a 30-day free trial. After this period it requires a monthly fee. ***
WHY USE GINSTR WITNESS TESTIMONY APP? ======================================
RECORD DATA ONSITECollect testimonies easily, thoroughly and quickly onsite with your smartphone or tablet.
COLLECT DETAILED INFORMATIONRecord name of witness(es), URN, age, occupation, date of testimony, witness statement, contact information. Collect images, video and audio notes.
CONFIRM STATEMENT ACCURACYCollect confirmation of truthfulness with a signature from the witness or parent/legal guardian if the witness is a minor.
INSURE ACCOUNTABILITY OF PROPER REPORTINGAdd name of recipient of testimony as well as register the location and time of the testimony automatically.
MANAGE DATA ON THE CLOUD You can see your collected info right from your computer's browser.
INSTANT DATA-SHAREThe data collected is shared between mobile workers and office supervisors in seconds, and it’s accessible through the web dashboard.
WORKS OFFLINEView and fill in electronic forms online or offline and it will synchronise when the device connects to the internet.
REAL-TIME LOCALISATIONThere's no need to wait for data to be uploaded. Everything collected by mobile employees is immediately available.
Check out our website:
https://www.ginstr.com We're always excited to hear from you!
If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please e-mail us at:
info@ginstr.comWant to know more about
NFC Technology?