Nomopedia, the Legal Information Base of the legal publishing company "TETRABIVLOS" in a special mobile application.
Requires active participation in one of the Law Education programs (Basic, Full, Trial)
With the validity, reliability and experience of over 40 years in case law research and legislation tracking/codification.
An essential tool for any legal scholar.
The most user-friendly legal information app.
At the lowest market price. No late fees or additional fees.
Contents - Law Education benefits
- huge base of legislative texts covering all branches of law
- constant update
- monitoring/registration of each published gazette
(exclusively from the official website of the PARLIAMENT and the National Printing Office)
- instant transfer/baseline integration of all modifications
- sending informative newsletters with all the legislative and not only news
Case law:
- per article
- full text and summary
- full coverage
a) of the four "institutional codes"
- A.K., K.Pol.D, P.K., K.P.D,
b) more specific categories of law (labour, over-indebted, special criminal laws, traffic etc.)
- continuous enrichment
- In-depth review and monitoring of legislation
- Monitoring of a multitude of legal magazines and court websites (A.P., S.t.E, N.S.K. etc.)
- Continuous enrichment of the legislation texts (focusing on the four "institutional codes" - A.K., K.Pol.D, P.K., K.P.D), with interpretative comments from the rich jurisprudence of our courts
Innovative Search Engine:
- Ultra modern Legislation-Jurisprudence Search Engine with keywords and additional fields that can also function as search filters. This particular machine does not require special knowledge, while it outputs results with great accuracy for the user.
TETRAVIBLOS - NOMOPEDEIA (website and application) does not represent a government entity.
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