Gemma McKenzie
Does not work as shown and as a Samsung user, it's easier and better to just cast directly
4 people found this review helpful
mehmet tasoglu
Wayyy too many ads, like others have said, but it's not the ads for me, it says for me to go near a tv or device or smth, then I go near one, to see if it ACTUALLY works, but it says "nO nEaRbY dEVIcE's FoUnD." So that just rlly annoys me. Also abt the ads, the ads r even worse, every single time I click on smth, it has a surprise for me. THE ADS there r at LEAST two ads in a row. Max is prob like 4 or 3 ads in row. I suggest to NOT download, barely works anyways. HAVE A GOOD DAY signed by berry
189 people found this review helpful
Kelly Martinez
Commercial is misleading, unfortunately. The App implies you can project shows anywhere, on the walls, or floors, or ceiling. It's does NOT work like a projector as the commercial shows you can. You can simply mirror what's on your phone to your tv ( as long as they are Bluetooth and on the same wifi)
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