This application was developed for baristas, home brewers, cafes, roasters, coffee machine dealers, etc.. For a long time now is coffee industry (not only specialty) focusing it's attention on water. It's because brewed coffee is about 90 - 99 percent water. And water properties, that are almost tasteless in pure water changes drastically taste, aroma and even appearance in brewed coffee. A lot materials was written on this topic, but most of them are just too simple to be any useful. Four main aspects of water need to be measured for actual calculation. And when we try to simplify the calculations (with sacrificing part of accuracy), the TDS, which is the most measured aspect, have the least impact on the result, the scale forming and the taste.
This application aims to provide brief, but relevant information about water testing, measuring mineral levels and pH. It will guide you through the process and help you better understand results of your measurements. It also tries to provide predictions about final brew taste and scale forming, as well as suggesting possible water treatments for the your type of water.