The State of Andhra Pradesh has Agriculture as one the major contributors to GVA.
Out of the total geographical area of 1.6 Lakh Hectares, 80 Lakh Hectares(net) is
cultivable area and 50% of that is under rainfed cultivation. Due to deficit rainfall,
changing rainfall patterns and climate change, farmers growing rainfed crops are
routinely faced with yield loss and crop failures due to soil moisture stress. Pest
infestation is the other factor that is linked to lower crop yields.
Agriculture Department is interested in using technology to make better informed
and timely decisions. Some goals of this project include:
1. Raising timely advisories to MPEOs to be eventually communicated to the
farmers to help in decision making and interventions
2. Agriculture analytics built on the existing soil health card and crop sown
analytics to enable decision makers with actionable insights
3. Drought manual automation to equip department with early season drought
advisory to take necessary action
4. Web Geo-Portal to bring all agriculture related information and assets into one
common geo-portal