Its a great streaming application, please fix the error experienced on android tv version. we so much needed the live streaming on our TV. thanks إنه تطبيق بث رائع، يرجى إصلاح الخطأ الذي حدث في إصدار Android TV. كنا في حاجة ماسة إلى البث المباشر على تلفزيوننا. شكرًا
909 people found this review helpful
Raheem Opeyemi
What app are you people talking about here? The same YTV that has refused to come up for months now even after several updating? For me, the app is absolutely useless right now. In fact, it's just a matter of time before I get it deleted from my phone.
1,902 people found this review helpful
Abdullahi Anas
I luv this app. Though due to netwrok problem is buffers a lot, i still enjoy live programme on it mostly football matches. Keep up the good work
3,022 people found this review helpful