Corey Paris
The standard for any Android wallpaper app. Only 4 stars because the UI could have a few more useful features. Like what if I want to find that "consistency consistency consistency" wallpaper from last year's? I have to scroll all the way down?? Basically. And wallpapers have no details like "Creator" attached to them in the UI (no clue about the exif but I doubt it). And nothing to do with the score, but I am still curious years later where these often amazing Wallpapers come from...
A Google user
My experience has been very pleasing and fulfilling experience so far. The app automatically detects your phone make/model and displays wallpapers according to your screen/resolution, and there are LOTS of attractive and quality wallpapers to be found here. I already downloaded, and am still now downloading, numerous wallpapers, and I definitely had to come and recommend it. Wall X is clearly one of the best, if not the best, wallpapers apps to be found at this time. : )
101 people found this review helpful
Tiffany Bailey
This has some of the most gorgeous wallpapers I've seen and it's super easy to use. Ads aren't too intrusive, no awkward layout, just endless photos. The only issue I've ever had is that occasionally while scrolling it will say no internet connection and stop loading new wallpapers after so long. It's not deal breaking but can be a little annoying when it happens. Other than that I think the app is brilliant.
227 people found this review helpful