useless app, asking my personal info while it is supposed to retrieve the info automatically since they have created the account for me. not able to do any thing with app, not able to check status of my car, not able to delete the account created by them. 0 out of 5 this app shouldn't be used in governmental capacity and the team and their head making this app are either to be heavily trained about privacy and or fired. app was developed by beginners/amateurs. please remove app from store.
1 person found this review helpful
مرحبا بك عزيزي، يرجى توضيح المشكلة التي تواجهك والتواصل معنا على الرقم 920051048
The application is so annoying it's not yet useful I can't even register to create an account. The idea of the app is Fantastic tho. Hopefully the developers can make it work.Cheers!!
12 people found this review helpful
اهلا بك عزيزي ، في حال تواجه مشكلة تقنية يرجى التواصل معنا عبر قنوات الدعم التالية
رقم الدعم الفني : 920000356
البريد الالكتروني للدعم الفني :
وبخصوص ملاحظاتكم سيتم ايصالها للفريق المختص بالتطوير