The Bitburger app - always experience enjoyment in a new way. With exclusive content, exciting promotions and personal discounts, you will become part of our Bitburger world!
• Always up to date: Never miss exciting promotions and news about Bitburger again - we will always keep you informed about our highlight promotions.
• Local promotions: No matter where you are, we will inform you about exclusive Bitburger promotions in your area!
• Voucher management: Manage your Bitburger vouchers with just a few clicks and look forward to great Bitburger rewards!
• NFC scanning campaigns: Scan Bitburger glasses in participating restaurants and take part in exciting competitions.
• Receipt upload: Upload your receipt and take part in exclusive Bitburger promotions!
Take your chance. Toast your friends with a cool Bitburger and take the chance of a trip to the European Championship final! There are more than 2,500 tickets for all UEFA EURO 2024™ games and over 10 million instant prizes. With a bit of luck, discover the QR code in a promotional bottle cap, beer mat or scratch card, scan it in the app and win.
Our traditional company goes back to around 200 years of family tradition and is now one of the most modern and important private breweries in Germany. With care, love and passion, our aim is to ensure the highest quality and best taste.