Have fun changing color to your face with a simple photo , or create yourself a combination of colors to display !
With DressWatch you'll always be matched to your lifestyle , your clothing , or you can simply give vent to your creative imagination , by inserting your favorite colors
With its simple and minimal graphic, DressWatch is the quadrant that everyone was waiting for , to exit out of the box in just a few simple steps:
•Take a Picture of your dress or Select picture from the Gallery
•Select 2 colors extracted automatically
•Change the colors to your liking
•Look at your watch!
Dress Watch is adaptable to any size or shape of your watch, either square or round, resulting one of the most captivating Watchface of the moment.
Not compatible Devices:
Sony SmartWatch
Sony SmartWatch 2
Samsung Gear
Samsung Gear 2
Samsung Gear Neo 2
Samsung S
This include the Watch faces, and is only compatible with Android Wear OS