Nway Hninn
Information are not yet completed, especially for searching routes, some options left and other possibility of routes are not show in this app. Before, there was old app called YBS but way better than this app. Hopefully, this app would be better in future.
27 people found this review helpful
A Google user
Instead of clearing entire (all) routes searching history. If I can long press on each route and select clear, just to clear the individual route. It will be super!
7 people found this review helpful
Violet Mariea
Please update asap, I always get in trouble with this app whenever I need to know the right bus quickly, it always waste my time and not updating from only 1-100 bus lines is making me start to disappoint using this app unlike first time i found this app and loved it, update and maybe I will think about changing my rating
139 people found this review helpful