HIJOB is designed for users who need to find jobs or need to post recruitment ads for freelancer, part-time and contract employee jobs.
Gig Workers are the emerging workers of the new era and through HiJob workers can find the most suitable job information.
HiJob's advanced search tools help users find jobs close to the location, salary or industry they desire.
This website aggregates job news from many large companies, many different regions and cities.
Here, candidates can use HiJob's modern and professional design to create CVs, resumes, and cover letters completely free of charge and can submit applications directly to the job posting.
Part-time jobs, freelance jobs, full-time jobs - We promise to provide the best service for everyone.
Supports Vietnamese, English, Korean
HiJob supports creating and posting your recruitment videos on Tiktok and Youtube Shorts platforms based on registered news content. Recruitment videos are a great addition to job postings that help your company increase the number of candidates it receives, demonstrate your company's culture, and attract more attention through social shares. .