Kani toh Ka Baibyl kawa da pynkylla nei ktien Krik wa nei ktien Hebru chei ktien pnar.
Em haroh ki Lumo video ĆÆong ka Kospel u Ćonis wa u Lukas hei ktien Pnar
Kani toh ka sien kawa nyngkong. Lada chem phi i won iwon i wa bakla lane i wa hap u pynbeit ĆÆe phi u thoh ha review section.
Kamwa man katni em i kini ki kot
-Ki Kaam
-1 Korin
-2 Korin
-1 Thesalonika
-2 Thesalonika
-1 Timothi
-2 Timothi
-1 Petros
-2 Petros
-1 Ćonis
-2 Ćonis
-3 Ćonis
Daw thap chooh ĆÆa ki kot kiwa da dep pyntoh pyntne
-Kawa dei makna
-Će u ĆÆa saam cha kiwi
-Kawa em dkhot ĆÆong ynne ka sngi (Će u pyndam/Će u pynneh)
-Će u ĆÆa saam dkhot cha kiwi wei dur wei odio
-Kawa pynkynmoo u ap man ka sngi (Će u pyndam/Će u pynneh)
-Kawa ĆÆe u booh dak wa u booh jingthoh
-Će u pynsmat pynslem heipor wa ap
-Će u ĆÆa saam lyngba ka SMS/What's App
-Kawa suk u pynemkam.
This Pnar Bible has been translated while consulting the Greek and Hebrew.
Includes LUMO videos of the Gospels of John and Luke.
This is our first edition. If you find any errors in it please leave a note in the review section and we will get back to you.
As for now these are the books that we have recorded:
-1 Corinthians
-2 Corinthians
-1 Thessalonians
-2 Thessalonians
-1 Timothy
-2 Timothy
-1 Peter
-2 Peter
-1 John
-2 John
-3 John
More books will be added as checking and recording is finished.
- This App is free
- You can share this App with others
- Verse of the Day (optional)
- Audio and Pictures can be shared on Social Media.
- Daily listening reminder (optional)
- Hightlighting, Notes, Bookmarks
- The speed of the audio can be changed (slower or faster)
- The App can be shared via SMS or WhatsApp
- Simple to use