Pharmindex mobile Free Medicines Database is your source of medical knowledge about medicines.
Professional drug information system for: doctors, pharmacists, nurses and midwives, students.
New drug search engine in the main application window.
Child and youth percentile grids according to WHO.
Calculators have been added to the application to calculate the result in percentiles after entering the child's age and the appropriate parameter: weight, height, head circumference.
Barcode reader.
A new functionality of barcode readers has been added. It allows you to obtain information about the drug after scanning the barcode of the package.
The LEKI module is available without logging in, other functionalities after logging in.
Pharmindex mobile Medicines Database is:
- list of reimbursed drugs,
- drug prices,
- drug descriptions,
- medical calculators, incl. glomerular filtration (GFR)
for patients with kidney problems,
- drug substitutes,
- medicines for seniors with diseases, names and active substances,
- payment grades to help you get a prescription correctly
(amount of the refund: 100%, 50%, 30%, flat rate, free).
Drug descriptions include: Safety messages, Composition, Action, SPC indications, Reimbursement indications (scope of indications covered by reimbursement and scope of off-label indications covered by reimbursement), Contraindications, Precautions, Pregnancy and breastfeeding, Side effects, Interactions, Dosage, Comments.
The Pharmindex mobile Medicines Database is helpful in the daily work of a doctor also by providing information on:
- the effect of the drug on psychomotor performance, the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery,
- safe use of drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding,
- Drug interactions with alcohol.
The LEKI module contains over 17,000 descriptions of medicinal products such as: prescription drugs, dietary supplements, medical devices and foods for special nutritional uses.
The REIMBURSED DRUGS module provides information on reimbursed drugs, including drugs added to and removed from the new announcements of the Ministry of Health.
The SENIOR module is a free medication for people over 75 years of age (search for diseases, names and active substances).
The NURSE AND midwife module is a database of drugs for nurses and midwives authorized to prescribe drugs, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses and reimbursed medical devices.
In the Pharmindex moblie application, you can easily check the package leaflet (on 02/09/2019, the False Directive entered into force, the knock of which is the gradual restriction of access to the leaflet closed inside the medicine package).
The drug index is updated on a regular basis.
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