Attila Császár
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Once you started scanning your id, the X diesn't work dometimes. In this case, you can't go back, can't skip the scan, you are forced to take a pic (of whatever). You can't add a guest and upload the id photo, so you could register your friends or family, everyone is forced to install the app for no reason. Also, apparently you can't delet a registration if you made a mistake?
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Please check that your internet connection is stable and that the latest version of VENDÉGEM accommodation software is installed. If scanning attempts are unsuccessful the guest data can be manually entered. If you have further questions please contact:
Karen Fraser
Tried to use this app. Could not upload or 'scan' my ID as required. Constantly said there was glare - tried different rooms and different lighting. Partner tried the android version with the exact same failure. Absolutely stressed and contacted hosts to admit our defeat and luckily they were able to help do it on their end. Please do something to make this app more user friendly as it's impossible to load and quite frankly makes people really stressed out as it's for an important reason!
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A sikeres okmányolvasás érdekében figyelmébe ajánljuk a Felhasználói Kézikönyv "Érkeztetés" c. fejezetében megfogalmazott ajánlásokat, amelyet a oldalon ér el. Győzödjön meg róla, hogy a beolvasás pillanatában megfelel ezeknek a követelményeknek. További kérdés esetén forduljon ügyfélszolgálatunkhoz.
Γιώργος Παπαδημητρίου
FIX YOUR DETECTION ALGORITHM!! Absolutely horrendous application, 9/10 times it will not detect the IDs. The detection algorithm is very picky, to the point that the tiniest glare will not make the ID detectable. The application is UNUSABLE!
In order to ensure successful document scanning, we recommend reviewing the guidelines outlined in the 'Check-in' chapter of the User Manual, available at Please make sure that you meet these requirements at the time of scanning. If you have any further questions, please contact our Customer Service.