Definitly a fun way to improve your end game and see solutions that aren't always apparent, however, I marked it down one star because some of the puzzles are dependent on the computer making a less than ideal move in response to your move(s), rather than allowing you to finding a move (sometimes intentionally impossible) that forces the opponent into checkmate.
Cute game, each board being unique or a fun shape is pretty cool. Only complaint is sometimes the moves required to "mate in X" are super specific for no reason or the CPU blunders when you move the very specific piece. Feels less like a chess puzzle and more like a "Find the correct piece to continue".
The game itself is wonderful. The chess puzzles are fun and challenging. However, the app is very coercive as it tries to force me to install other apps. I don't mind watching a few ads, but I resent not being able to close them so as to return to the game. In addition, the app generates thousand of tracker requests from over a dozen companies, and seeks to know everything about me.
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