YEET-VTC is the insurer of VTC drivers. A discounted rate for drivers attentive to the safety of their driving. Subscribe in 3 minutes!
- Immediate online subscription, electronic signature, receipt of your PDF insurance certificate and by mail.
- A team dedicated to managing claims for our insured VTC.
At any time, have access to your contract, change vehicles, modify guarantees, contact our teams.
- Full guarantees:
1 °) For your vehicle (according to formula)
Civil liability, Criminal defense and recourse, fire, theft, natural disasters, theft and vandalism, glass breakage, relay vehicle in the event of immobilization, vehicle fittings guarantee, professional equipment
2 °) For the VTC driver
Driver protection in the event of injury or death (capital)
Personal belongings of the driver
3 °) For your activity
Professional Liability
Customer baggage and merchandise
4 °) For the driver's driving license (according to formula)
Fee for reconstituting the permit on time,
Repatriation of the vehicle in the event of immobilization by the police