12BT (A traditional game) is a two-player chess-like game. In this game, each player has 12 pawns. If a player wants to move his bead/Tehni/Guti then there will be two possibilities, first one is if all the nearest pawns of a bead/Tehni/Guti are empty then the bead/Tehni/guti can be moved to an empty position. Another one is if a player can cross a bead of the opponent then the opponent's bead will be overtaken. Whoever overtakes all the 12 beads/tehnis/guti of his/her opponent, he/she will be Winner.
it is similar to Draughts or checkers which is also called dame, dames, damas. An Arabic game called Quirkat or al-qirq or Alquerque(Ų§ŁŁŲ±ŁŲ§ŲŖā) also similar to this 12 Biti game. Alquerque(Ų§ŁŁŲ±ŁŲ§ŲŖā), Quirkat, Halma, Chinese Checkers, and Konane are also similar kind of games. Alquerque's board and setup are similar to the Bara Biti game. In Arabic, Alquerque is written as (Ų§ŁŁŲ±ŁŲ§ŲŖā). The board setup of Draughts or checkers is different. but if one knows how to play Draughts or checkers, he/ she can play Quirkat or Alquerque(Ų§ŁŁŲ±ŁŲ§ŲŖā) and this game.
Key Features:-
ā¢ Free 12BT board game also known as Bead 12/Sholo Guti/12 Tehni.
ā¢ Player can chat with an opponent during Match only.
ā¢ Player can overtake more than one bead/Tehni/Guti of his/her opponent in the move.
ā¢ Online Board Game, Play with Facebook friends or Online Available Players.
ā¢ Friends can be added to play again with them.
ā¢ Recent Players can be invited to play again.
ā¢ Offline can be played.
ā¢ Player can log in with Google Sign in.
ā¢ Helps in brain development and strategy making skill.
This game is the best source of entertainment in rural areas of Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc.