Michael Lisboa
What a terrible app. Totally unusable. You have to logon every. Single. Time. Also, when trying to connect to your smart home it says the username or password is wrong. It's NOT wrong. This dumb app is too focused on trying to sell people more products, but it doesn't even handle the most basic functionality.
Carlota Figueiroa
The app was decent until the last update of September 3rd. Now my netbot no longer recognizes the map which causes it to clean only part of the house and wondering all-round aimlessly trying to look for the charger. Worst part? Thanks to this new update I can't even reset the map. Same message appears "map drawing", which was appearing before I tried to reset the map btw
Alexis Cosseron
Principe of having access to the settings of your device from the app is good, but you have to log each and every time, what a pain when you use it everyday