J Cates
The Safari is huge and you can and will spend all day there. currently, it doesn't connect from one side to the other, so you spend time back tracking to get to the other side. with a smaller toddler who crashed out halfway through we missed part of the park because of the back tracking, but overall, it's an amazing place.
1 person found this review helpful
Beverly Shull
The app was ok. The GPS directions was a nice feature. You are onto something with the plan your visit. Step it up a notch by using the plan you visit to map out the most efficient way to see those items instead of just providing individual directions to each item. You know, putting all points on the map and then map a route to get to all items. Alternatively, you could at least provide a filter under the map section to only view the points of interest inputted so the user can map a course.
12 people found this review helpful
Heather Howard
Completely useless. No instructions. Directions show a blue line thru a green blob; no paths or directions. GPS and Bluetooth is enabled but app does nothing. When you turn on app it says turn on bluetooth. Why? No clue. Plan your day allows you to check off animals you would like to see. Okay... any help to see them? nope. Paths to see them? nope.
9 people found this review helpful