The Quiberne Radio station emerged as a project that highlights the artistic, cultural, social and educational expressions of the towns of Bogotá, making visible the active actors that make possible the dynamization of proposals that distinguish their territories and have a positive impact on the population. . From this, the station chose to promote independent artists through their multiple expressions, however, we wanted to explore the various rhythms that identify Latin America, which is why we opened an exclusive sound space for the new proposals that emerge every day. every day in Ibero-American countries, so we address the possibility of hearing voices that do not commonly sound on commercial radio, and in addition, we seek to bring these voices closer to their followers, creating new sound niches.
Within our cyber waves, we also include the trends and heterogeneous aspects that culturally distinguish this part of the continent, as well as, we highlight the countries that make it up month by month, through sound information that allows us to know details, dates and curious facts about which our listeners come into contact with new ways of perceiving digital radio.