Aren B
Good crosswords, decent setup, but a lot of bugs. So far I'm on pack 6 and I've encountered 3 puzzles that only accept the letter D in all spaces as correct. Pack 5 has no more puzzles to complete but refuses to mark itself as finished, not sure how that will affect my ability to unlock further packs. And the app crashes and loses my progress for a session basically any time I switch apps, sometimes even just flipping down my notification header will do it. Would be a 5 star app otherwise
kj robbi
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I've dumped almost ten crossword puzzle apps in less than two weeks... 4 or 5 minutes of dull aggravation, and words that aren't words. And the same ones, over and over. Grammerically speaking, this one isn't perfect, but it's really good. 15 - 20 minutes of true puzzle work. And he's got a quirky sense of humor. Also, there's no gimmicks. Just play. With very few ads. The best puzzle I've found. Only a few cases that the clue had nothing to do with the answer.
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