Jamie Carl
This is exactly what I have been searching for. I'm using this with my RadioMaster Zorro, running EdgeTX with Telemetry Mirror enabled on the USB_VCP port. This is the only app I could find that support CSRF telemetry and it has almost everything I need in a simple interface. Flight mode sensor might be nice, but that's it. Thank you!
A Google user
Very good - simple and functional. Would be nice to be able to overlay more telemetry values on the screen, particularly in landscape / tablet mode. It would be great to have a similar overlay as the iNav LUA script for Horus colour screens where you have a full pitch/roll and artificial horizon display etc. Also would like to see support for Horus integrated Bluetooth at some stage.
14 people found this review helpful
Exception Catcher
April 4, 2019
Thanks for the review. All the mentioned features are on the list. Stay tuned
Charles McGuire
I think this is going to be good? Does this only work with iNAV? I have a smart port GPS on my plane that is sending telemetry back via smart port through a R9M Stab Frsky receiver. I can see the telemetry data on my Taranis, but not on my app. Can you use the bluetooth and Mavlink data being transmitter by the full size crossfire module? Thank.
3 people found this review helpful