With the "My HVL" app, you have the entire district in your hand.
"My HVL" gives you current information from the cities, communities and authorities, local and regional news, event and excursion tips. It contains an extensive service area. Appointments in the administration can be booked online. Via a link you can find out when, which course is offered at the adult education center and how you can take part. When will the bio bin be picked up - ask the waste calendar. You can find out how to get from A to B using public transport in the "Mobility" section. Are you interested in political work in the district? With the app you keep track of when which committee, the district council and other bodies meet. Discover the service area with its further possibilities.
The app is intended to bring the administrations a little closer to the citizens and give them the opportunity to contact the administrations more easily and with low thresholds, and to use services and offers.
Users of the "Mein HVL" app can find administrative services and information from the district and town halls of Friesack, Nennhausen, Rhinow, Brieselang, Dallgow-Döberitz, Milower Land, Schönwalde-Glien, Wustermark, Falkensee, Ketzin/Havel, Nauen and Premnice...
Much is still to come... for the citizens, for volunteers, for trade, for investors and for visitors and tourists.
Together with you, we would like to continue to develop the district app "My HVL" and make it future-oriented.
Join us!