Want help with the last difficult words in length and tværsen, or will you check that you have spelled correctly, then DanKryds the perfect helper.
You choose the length of the word you are looking for and write the letters you have and then looking DanKryds quickly in the more than 140,000 crosswords or 40,000 synonyms. The words are collected over several years by the more than 7,000 registered users of crossword dictionary online, and they have regularly been checked and approved by the editors.
All cross words are categorized. That is, you example. can choose to search the islands. You can also choose to search multiple categories - eg. Islands and peninsulas, and of course you can also search all categories.
Synonyms are classified by importance. For example. searches GREAT, the results are broken down by the meanings large (size), large (size) etc.
The dictionaries are on the phone, so you are not dependent on any kind of connection to the outside world. This means that you no cost for example. can use DanKryds on the beach in Ibiza, poolside at the hotel in Grand Canaria, on your private balcony or in the subway.