SWADroid is an application to access some features of SWAD (http://openswad.org) on Android mobile devices. It is free software, which means that anyone with sufficient knowledge can extend or improve it.
The application allows:
- Read notifications
- Take self-assessment exams
- Send and reply to messages
- Check the qualifications
- Registration to groups
- File download
- Post notices (teachers only)
- Roll call using QR codes or barcodes and also manually with attendance sent to SWAD (teachers only)
- Generate the QR code associated with the nickname configured in SWAD
- Password recovery
- Information about the subjects
- Create user accounts
The notifications allow us to be aware of the news in SWAD (messages, notices, forums, calls, etc.) in a very fast and comfortable way, consuming very little bandwidth and without having to identify ourselves each time (the identification is saved in the application settings).
The self-assessment tests can be downloaded when the mobile is connected, and once downloaded, we can perform all the tests we want without the need for a connection.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For the self-assessment tests of a subject to be available on the mobile, a teacher of the subject has to activate this possibility in SWAD> Evaluation> Test configuration.