Application E-Nestos is
A unique partnership of Municipality & Citizens for common problems. eNestos
* Report the problem in a matter of seconds
* Be informed about news, notices, municipality decisions Nestos
* Learn about the documents and actions for anything you need from the Municipality
* Contact the portion you want with a click
* View all the events in which the municipality participates Nestos
key buttons
I (By pressing the button) you can see the necessary documents or actions required for various processes (eg. I want to power the new space). Also you can send a message to the appropriate department.
News / Announcements (By pressing the button) you can see the News & Announcements Nestos Municipality. Initially you see the titles and "step on" what interested.
Decisions (Pressing the button) you can see the decisions of Nestos Municipality. Initially you see the titles and "step on" what interested.
Prokiryxeis- (Pressing the button) you can see the notices Nestos Municipality. Initially you see the titles and "step on" what interested.
He reported the problem (By pressing the button)
* If you are connected to the internet the GPS in your device locates your current location (must be open). Initially you select the type of problem from the list. Then write a description of what you see. Finally you press take a picture which takes pictures of the problem and send.
* If you are not connected to the Internet pluck with your device photo problem. Then when you login and you are in a different location you can shook S with your hand in the right location, you write the description, you press Select Photo (Where did you pick this previously) and mission.