Registration test of the seller will be questions from the following five items questions each 20 to 40.
1. Characteristics and basic knowledge that is common to the pharmaceutical,
2. Human body of work and pharmaceuticals,
3. Pharmaceutical regulation and institutional,
4. The main drug and its action,
5. Proper use and safety measures of the drug
Questions the total number of the test is 120 questions, the overall average of 70% or more of the percentage of correct answers will be the pass line.
However, if the above-mentioned 5 Item percentage of correct answers less than 35 to 40 percent in even one,
It will also be a failure overall percentage of correct answers to a 70% or more.
So, you need to put all the items can be uniformly correct force.
I want to study to concentrate on each item, or is recommended if to overcome the weakness.