Do you dream of becoming the proud owner of a driver’s license and are intensively preparing to pass exams of categories “A”, “B”, “M” and subcategories “A1”, “B1” in the traffic police? Our online traffic rules tests will help you prepare well and pass them with flying colors.
You can check the level of your knowledge and assess your chances of successfully passing the exam, as well as better understand the material, since our traffic rules tests are fully consistent with the traffic police exam that you have to pass. Each ticket contains 20 questions, divided into 4 thematic blocks.
To successfully pass the exam you must not make a single mistake. If you make one mistake in the traffic police, you will be given 5 additional questions on this topic and 5 minutes to answer them. If you make 2 mistakes in different thematic blocks, then you will be given 10 additional questions from these blocks and 10 minutes to answer them. If you make a mistake when answering additional questions, you will not pass the exam. You will also fail the exam if you make 2 mistakes in one topic block or 3 mistakes in different topic blocks.
We offer testing for any driving category completely free of charge. Choose the ticket you need and start the test. Good luck on the exam!
The contents of tickets of categories “A”, “B”, “M” and subcategories “A1”, “B1” correspond to the official examination tickets in the traffic police offered for decision and are relevant when taking the exam in 2024.