Plus News News app is the most comprehensive in the country with over 100 thousand downloads for the iPhone.
All the news and hottest updates in one place and free!
Browse through the new updates, hot deals, lottery results, or good restaurants. Plus you'll find news sources known and beloved Israel will provide you with a wealth of content.
Among the new channels and updates can be found:
Ynet, Walla !, Ma'ariv, Ha'aretz, Israel Today, new ultra-Orthodox, Russian Channel 9 and more
TheMarker, Globes, Kalkalist, BizPortal
One, and voila! Sport, Kick, Dunk
HWzone, Geektime, iPhoneil, iPhones, IOPanel, Hayadan (Science)
Groupon, a deal today, Buy2
Leisure and entertainment:
The fungus, holes in the network, City Mouse, Guy Pines, food, vehicles, etc.
The application has a friendly and convenient interface that allows adding sites, keeping articles, saving your favorite sites, sharing stories and more.
So whether you are on a long journey, as the bank, by boring or simply want to catch up on the news, this app is for you!