Abiding affection for three weeks and electronics always gives encouragement interest
Thank you to our customers family.
The only domestic manufacturer of professional megaphone We produce broadcast speaker and amplifier system
We supply and has been receiving a steady customer of love.
Flagship howling almost no one megaphone is above supply the domestic market with leading domestic technology
It boasts.
Contrast disaster in the village public address broadcast public buildings are being used for emergency broadcast system implementation,
In particular, you can also use MULTI POWER PA- AMP SYSTEM frequency band and N / S ratio is superior to AMP for SR
The product of high technology.
Audiovisual Education Center Gym Sports Medicine. It urged that you use in conjunction with the church three weeks, etc. Electronic speaker.
The former three weeks as through accumulated technology and industry-university technology transfer and joint research and development activities
And launching excellent products that customers demand continuous research and development and quality control, manufacturing management and business management
In the ever-changing field of sound equipment company as a leading enterprise systems management wants to grow.
E three weeks always do our best efforts to provide services that give the impression to the customer.
We'll take you anywhere your customers grow together as a family enterprise.
Thank you.