Baker's Win is a fun, informative and rewarding Loyalty Program specially prepared for bakers by Lesaffre Turkey.
In this program, you can find new ideas that you can improve yourself, tips that you can't find anywhere, up-to-date information about Lesaffre products, brand new opportunities, seasonal and instant campaigns and fun games.
In the program, you can earn points from the videos you watch, the questions you answer, the games you play, the baker friends you invite to the program, and the Lesaffre products included in the program you buy.
In order to earn points for the products you buy, it is enough to read the QR code on the product box or bag in the mobile application. You can follow the points you have collected on My Account and update your information whenever you want.
In addition, you can easily access information about all Lesaffre products and leave us a message for detailed information and free product demo requests.