Tappirgal Pulaar is for writing Fulani language .
Tappirde Pulaar ko winndirde timmude ngam winndude ɗemngal Pulaar. Hono noon kadi, ende fanndini tappirgal Frayse e Arabe wondude e nate emotikon e ɓaaƴe goɗɗe.
njoy exciting new features in English and French:
Enhanced User Experience: We have further improved the user interface to provide you with a seamless and intuitive typing experience.
Additional Themes: Choose from a collection of 12 unique themes to customize the look and feel of your keyboard. Express your personal style with a theme that suits your taste.
Emoticons/Smileys: Add fun and emotions to your conversations with a wide range of emoticons and smileys. Easily access them directly from the keyboard.
Multi-language Support: In addition to the Fulah keyboard, the app now includes French and Arabic keyboards. Switching between languages has never been easier.
Word Prediction/Suggestion in Fulah: Benefit from an extensive database of over 1,500,000 processed words for accurate word prediction and suggestions while typing in Fulah. Save time and enhance your productivity.
Fulah Text Correction: Experience improved text correction capabilities specifically designed for the Fulah language. Enjoy accurate and error-free typing.
Key Press Sounds: Enjoy the satisfying sound feedback with each key press. Experience a responsive and immersive typing experience.
Popup Keyboard for Additional Keys: Access a variety of additional keys and symbols conveniently with the popup keyboard. Enhance your typing speed and efficiency.
Zero Width Space: Utilize the zero-width space feature to break letters without inserting a visible space. Perfect for preserving text formatting and line breaks.
Settings Customization: Take full control of your typing experience with customizable settings. Adjust input methods and other features according to your preferences.
Clavier Pulaar / Fulfulde / Fulah / Peul / Fulani
Tappirgal Pulaar / Fulfulde / Fulah / Peul / Fulani
Fulah Keyboard Pulaar / Fulfulde / Fulah / Peul / Fulani
لوحة المفاتيح باللغة الفلانية