Vizago Infra is one of the pioneers in the industry sector providing transportation and logistics, we are diversified into various logistics services.
Vizago Infra app is using for maintaining fleet of our transportation company and this app is using by only supervisors and ceo of company.
to maintain a record of refilling diesel's for our vehicles and maintaing the accounts details and to keep information of our staff and to keep a record of helpers and drivers for which vehicle they have been assigned.
this app keeps a record of number of trips or transportation by the vehicles. and also maintains the report of maintainence of vehicles example oil, any damage done etc.
We maintain the details of tippers or vehicles and staff information with full safe and secure. we keep a record of staff leaves and workings to calculate their salaries.
a leading logistics services formed as a venture and impeccably accomplished by visionary promoters, we are diversified into various logistics services.
Vizago Infra maintain gains in their business by providing timely, accurate, reports, import or export information, tippers status, among others.