∎ Only 1 question per day
Anyone can speak English one word a day and read one chapter a day.
No need for multiple books, just one question a day, but 365 days 365 days.
∎ Easier Commentary
Just solving it doesn't improve your skills. applied to each issue.
Even explanations that are easier to understand than any other explanation based on the concept.
∎ Study in 5 minutes
I don't understand why you're playing well?
This is because the study of mathematics is completed in 5 minutes per cycle.
∎ Powerful AI
Do you think you'll be able to do just this?
Without a separate evaluation, AI will take care of providing vulnerability remediation issues.
∎ Automatic incorrect answer notes
Stop taking notes on incorrect answers and solving problems one by one.
I took care of the problem I was wrong and saved it as an incorrect answer note.