This App Hindi Unicode To Converter krutiDev Unicode
kruti Dev Unicode
Hindi Unicode To krutiDev Font Converter
In our app (Kruti dev font) Kruti Dev font is changed which is changed from Devanagari language to Kruti Dev language, we provide some kind of services to our user, of which this is one
There is a setting option in our app, in which the user can remove one letter by removing it, which is also as follows.
1. Can remove @
2. Can remove # etc.,
Our app provides one more service which is as follows, on clicking on the menu, we see the menu list, in which on clicking on the font option, we get the fonts list, which has fonts that we can save and download.
To do this work, we take permission from our app stories.
List of some fonts given in our app
1. Krutidev 010
2. Krutidev 011
3. Krutidev 012
4. Krutidev 013
5. Krutidev 014
6. Krutidev 015
7. Krutidev 016
8. Krutidev 018
9. Krutidev 020
10. Krutidev 021