Owadan Express - Online program
Owadan Express - onlaýn söwda söwdanyň
üsti bilen siz aňsatlyk bilen telefon ýa-da planşetiňizden
dürli harytlary saýlap, hem-de olary sargyt edip bilersiňiz.
Bu onlaýn platformada 10 000-den gowyrak görnüşli
haryt ýerleşdirilen, olaryň giňişleýin düşündirişleri,
suratlary, we magazinlerdäki bahalary hem
Programmanyň ilkinji versiýasynda, esasy funksiýalar
Harydyň ady boyunça gözleg;
Kategoriýalar boýunça bölünmegi;
Giňişleýin gozleg;
Harytlary sebete goşmak;
Sargyt etmek we olaryň sanawy;
Ähli harytlaryň bahalary türkmen manatda görkezilen!
Eltip berme hyzmaty Türkmenistanyň ähli ýerlerine elýeter.
Siziň pikirleriňize we teswirleriňize garaşýarys! Siz owadan express programmasyny halan bolsanñyz, bahalandyrmagy
we teswir ýazmagy hayyş edýäris, siziň pikiriňizi
programmany has-da gowulamaga peýda edýär.
We are glad to present you the official application
Owadan Express (Turkmenistan). It will make you comfortable
choose products and shop on your
mobile phones and tablets.
The Owadan Express Catalog presents more than 10,000 species
products, where you will find detailed characteristics
photos and prices.
We have already added all the main functionality here:
search by name;
Advanced Search;
shopping through the cart;
order history and status.
All prices in the catalog are presented in Turkmenistan
manatah! Goods delivery
carried out to all regions of Turkmenistan
It is very important for us to know your opinion! if you
liked the app, please rate it
rating and write a review, this will allow us to make
its even better.