Zacric parks
I give it 2 stars only because the concept was good and correct but I hate it I love all the icivic games but just like all the others it's to short and not enough to do. Make one were you can do these things longer as a role play and with more to do. But I can't waste my phone space I played 2 times and won both and I'm board already that's not good.
88 people found this review helpful
I love your games ! it's a time killer and very classic. I like the voiceovers.and it is also educstional! Within just playing, I learned many constitutional laws and rights I didn't even know I had. This inspires me to study law. Thank you developers for creating this kind of concept game. it's original and refreshing. No ads .
29 people found this review helpful
Daniel Langer
Fun game but a bit simplistic once you play once or twice through. If you could try to run for office after passing a few bills or customize your account. It also would be interesting to have more depth in passing the law, maybe get to see the actual process? Send it back and work harder. Maybe include funding or backing from local? Doing something to have it be more community engagement equals better support and bonuses?
75 people found this review helpful