Hundreds of selected messages so you can have the most issues for sharing in other applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Zap zap, Snapchat, Twitter, Imo, Viber, Instagram and among so many who are in the Play Store.
We promise to always introduce new phrases so that you are always updated with the latest issues and categories for reading, reflection and send the messengers. Below are some of the subjects categorized:
➙ Proverbs
➙ Authors
➙ phrases for Zap
➙ Keys phrases and the gang.
➙ phrases His Madruga.
➙ love messages, longing, love and lovers.
➙ phrases for reflection.
➙ Messages for help and assistance to people.
➙ phrases truck.
➙ messages to friends.
➙ Messages for Mother's Day.
➙ Messages for Father's Day.
➙ funny phrases.
➙ power phrases, motivation, gratitude and humility.
➙ Much more ...