Rashmi Mishra
Many times the server is unresponsive and " Service unavailable" dialogue is popping up while clicking on alerts/ upcoming events. We are unable to get the alert for PD and calving. It makes the digital reminder part for PD and Calving useless. Try to fix 1. Proper alerts of due events 2. Overdue service reminder 3. MIS report for the data uploaded at least for one year and more period 4. Data migration from INAPH portal complete or not , should be shown at user level.
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Divyesh Ahir
Use the app is easy but some changes in future?which which is mentioned down 1 is pd reminder in 90 days 2 is calving reminder cattle 298 or buffalo 315 days And 3rd and most countinuesly 4 ai in a raw And the next ai entry is after 15 days in same tag number
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