Audio to text converter
Now you can write long conversations, articles, memos, letters and research without bothering to write and search for letters on the keyboard..Once speaking, writing is done behind you, so it performs the job of the writer in converting speech into text
- The application converts voice conversation, speech and audio into written texts, which helps in writing articles, scientific research, publications and messages in a faster and simpler way
- The application contains most of the international languages and different dialects for each language so that the phonetic speech is converted into a properly written text without errors .. and thus you can write an article with more than one language in it
- The application contains more than one font type. You can choose the right font for you
- The application also contains the ability to enlarge or reduce the font and copy or send the text after completing its writing .. The text is also saved automatically upon exit from the application for reference at any time and completion or modification to it
- A distinctive design that helps you write your articles and messages in a streamlined manner
- The ability to quickly and conveniently edit texts in more than one way
The ability to convert text into speech for the deaf and dumb
- A word counter to determine the number of written words for you if you have an article or letters of a specific number of words
- Save texts in files that can be modified at any time, or they can be sent and shared for modification in Word programs or any text editor
- Reserved texts to save you time, effort and trouble of writing, and you can amend them and add new texts of your choice
- Switch a letter, word, or text throughout the text with the click of a button
- Automatic tracking of written texts in a distinctive color
- To ensure a good conversion without errors, it is preferred to speak consecutively at a difference of a second or half a second between each word and at a distance of 30 cm from the place of speaking on the phone and when you hear the whistle start to speak
It is preferable to speak and record in a quiet place with a clear voice