Discaltor is the perfect Discount Calculator, featuring a clean user experience with one in many Features like Discount calculations, Variation Calculations and also Percent Calculations with Currency Convertor.
The brand new Global currency feature helps you just convert your transactions summaries in over 150+ different currencies.The conversion feature helps to understand the summary in the currency of your choice and helps you save money!
Discaltor quickly determines how much you will save and the final price.These features make it one of the unique discount calculator available. The design makes it simple to calculate discounts, sales, tax, percent and variations without any hassle.
Transaction Summary: Discaltor uniquely offers Transaction Summary for all the Calculations with a Share feature.
Sales & Tax Calculator
- Useful to quickly determine the amount of discounted value, along with tax!
- Get the Final Price after discount on sale price
- Also displays Pre-Tax amount.
- Tax value is also displayed making the discount calculations much more efficient.
- Transaction Summary gives you complete summary including discounted price and tax value
Variation Calculator
- Useful for calculations like Salary hike/raise(Increments) and Selling an old Item(Decrement)
- Calculates variation of a price or value.
- It offers both incremental/decremental calculations
- Transaction Summary gives you complete summary including incremental/decremental price along with final price
Percent Calculator
- Useful for determining the percentage(%) of sales depending on the offer price
- The discount percent along with relevant Savings or Loss amount Information will be displayed.
- Makes it easy and simple to get the percent discount calculations.
- Transaction Summary gives you complete summary including difference value, Transaction Type(Savings/Loss)
Global Currency
- This unique feature makes Discaltor your goto global discount calculator.
- This feature helps you just convert your transactions summary in over 150+ different currencies
- It helps to understand the summary in the currency of your choice and helps you save money!
Currency Converter
- Currency converter with an easy to use design.
- Over 150+ country currencies are supported in Currency converter.
- No more multiple apps to do discount calculations and currency conversions.
Note: Discaltor is a free app with No Ads. You will get a 5 days trial with no limitations. If you choose to go pro (in-app purchase), you will enable Variation, Percent Features, Currency Converter.
Enjoy the simplest global discount calculator - Discaltor!